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You are on the homepage of the electronic whistleblower system of Woolworth Österreich GmbH.

We have commissioned the law firm PARK | Wirtschaftsstrafrecht., in this case the lawyer Dr. Tobias Eggers, to set up and operate this whistleblower system and to act as an ombudsperson.

You can use this reporting office, which is independent of instructions, to submit information if you receive information about compliance violations in connection with your professional activities or in advance of a professional activity.

As a company, we are committed to informing whistleblowers of
  • information about violations in accordance with § Section 3 of the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (öHSchG),
  • information on violations in connection with criminal acts or administrative offenses outside the scope of the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (öHSchG)
  • reports on human rights or environmental risks or violations of human rights or environmental obligations
    (The current version of the rules of procedure can be found here.)
to provide comprehensive protection.

Not only employees or business partners, but anyone with knowledge of possible compliance violations can submit a report via our whistleblower system.

If you submit a report via our whistleblower system, it will be received directly by Tobias Eggers. In this video Tobias Eggers introduces himself and his duties as an ombudsperson.

Please note that the whistleblower system is not intended for general customer complaints and inquiries. Please use our contact form for this purpose: Link

How the system protects you:
  • The system protects the confidentiality of the identity of the persons listed in § 2 öHSchG i.e. above all that of the person making the report.
  • If you wish, your report will be recorded completely anonymously.
  • All information is encrypted end-to-end so that your sensitive information is secure.
  • In the login area, you can track the processing status of your report and keep in touch with the ombudsman.

What topic do you want to report?

This reporting point applies to any report of violations under § 3 öHSchG.

Inaddition, we as a company are committed toproviding comprehensive protection forreports of violations in connection with criminal offenses and administrative violations outside the scope of the öHSchG and reports of human rights or environmental risks or violations of human rights or environmental obligations. The scope of application of the Austrian Human Rights Protection Act has been expanded accordingly.

If you cannot find your topic explicitly, please select "Other violations acc. § 3 öHSchG" from the list.

In addition, you can submit information on human rights or environmental risks or report violations of human rights or environmental obligations under "Human rights or environmental risks/violations".

If your report does not fall under one of these categories and another contact person is therefore responsible for your case, you will receive confidential feedback.

External reporting offices

The option of submitting a report via the Woolworth Österreich GmbH reporting platform does not preclude you from submitting an external report to the responsible federal, state or European Union bodies, institutions or other agencies. In particular, the following can be considered as such